Examples of bad netiquette
Examples of bad netiquette

examples of bad netiquette examples of bad netiquette

If you follow just this one tip, you will greatly increase your success on LinkedIn, simply because most people are not doing it and you will stand out. This will result in you being required to know the email address of each person you send any future LinkedIn invitations to, greatly reducing your ability to connect with prospects and expand your network. You may not be aware of this, but if one too many people respond to your invitation by clicking I Don’t Know This Person, you will end up having your account restricted by LinkedIn. Many people on LinkedIn don’t appreciate connection requests from strangers without a personal message. This is especially important when connecting with people you have never met. People are far more likely to accept your request if you either remind them of how they know you or explain why they should connect with you. The first and most important tip I can share with you is to personalize each and every connection request that you send out. It also allows me to gain a deeper understanding of what we are learning.LinkedIn Etiquette: 10 Things You Must Do 1. I like the feedback from my peers because it helps me improve on my writing and I am getting real insights from my fellow students.

examples of bad netiquette examples of bad netiquette

I also believe that the feedback given to me was fair as well. I feel that the feedback I was given for this weeks assignment from my instructor and peers was a fair grade and possibly even a little too nice. Not following the proper netiquette will counteract this. The whole purpose of giving feedback is to help each other improve on our skills so we can all succeed in passing the course. It is important to be respectful while assessing a student’s assignment even if you may not agree with their view expressed in the assignment. Netiquette relates to peer assessment because it is almost like an asynchronous one on one discussion. It may also cause others to feel angry and further go against the netiquette standards and cause more chaos in the discussion. I am very sure many other may also feel the same way. If I was addressed with bad netiquette in an online classroom discussion, I would feel bad and probably less inclined to participate in the discussion from fear of getting backlash for an unpopular opinion. Keep an open mindįor example, when someone is expressing an unpopular idea or explanation in a discussion, it is inherent that one is respectful and tries to keep an open mind for all perspectives as the online students have many. When someone has bad netiquette in the classroom, it can create and uncomfortable learning environment and provide an outlet for inappropriate discussion or attacks on someone’s point of view. Since the internet came around, the fine line for humanity had become vague as many people can say whatever they want, whenever they want without the pressure and the consequences of saying something to someone’s face. When in a real life classroom, participating in an face to face discussion, each participant has a general sense of how to act in a civil manner and act within given social norms that we have learned to abide by throughout our lives. Using netiquette online is very important because it provides a sort of social norm in an online environment.

Examples of bad netiquette